Below you will fine nice tutorials for learning HTML for creating your own Web pages:
Note:You can examine the HTML source code of almost any page by choosing "Page Source" or "Source" under the "View" menu of your browser.
Below you will find links to applet writing tutorials and a great many examples of applets, some which which you can freely include on your Web pages:
Here is the java code for our
Here is the HTML file FirstApplet.html to display this applet.
Here is a short documentation for methods for a Graphics object.
Here is the java code for our
Here is the HTML file DrawChairs.html to display this applet.
Homework: Here are two activities for you to sharpen your HTML and Applet writing skills:
NOTE: Refresh button on most browsers do not reload a recompiled
applet class file. There are several ways around this problem.
You can close and open your browser (this works with Firefox), or
you can use on the command line
appletviewer FirstApplet.html
Notice that you need to point to the corresponding HTML file.